Five Gold Rings

Five Gold Rings

Five Gold Rings

A Royal Wedding Souvenir Album

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    Jane Roberts

    Sabrina Mackenzie




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Published to celebrate The Queen s Diamond Wedding Anniversary in 2007  a companion to the best-selling QUEEN ELIZABETH II: A BIRTHDAY SOUVENIR ALBUM. The story of five royal weddings: Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, Edward VII and Queen Alexandra, George V and Queen Mary, George VI and Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother, and Queen Elizabeth II and The Duke of Edinburgh; from first meeting, to engagement, to  the day . Beautifully illustrated with wedding dresses and jewellery, gifts between bride and groom, engagement and wedding presents from friends and family, wedding cakes and flowers, menus, music and photographs. Includes letters and diary entries from the Royal Archives, many of which are published here for the first time.Illustrations include items from the Diamond Wedding exhibition at Windsor Castle and the 2007 Buckingham Palace Summer Opening. Guaranteed coverage in national and international press and broadcast media; dedicated advertising in the Bookseller and Majesty magazine


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