The Violin

The Violin

The Violin

An Illustrated History

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    Yehudi Menuhin

    Catherine Meyer




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A lavishly illustrated history of the world s most popular stringed instrument, fittingly narrated by one of the finest virtuoso violinists the world has ever known. The Violin charts the journey of the violin from its origins in the bow and arrow through to the legendary Stradivarius.Yehudi Menuhin introduces us to the astounding richness of the voice of the violin, whose appearance in ethnic music from East and West, popular and folk mu s i c, classical and jazz, has established its repertoire upon an interdependence of many musical genres. Menuhin we aves the history of the violin with his own incredible career, sharing memories of composers such as Stravinski, Bartók, and Elgar, and of fellow performers Fritz Kreisler, Bruno Walter, Stéphane Grappelli, and Ravi Shankar.


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