The Book of Ice

The Book of Ice

The Book of Ice


    Paul D. Miller

    Brian Greene




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In light of climate change and humanity s increasingly complex and nuanced relationship with the natural world, this book serves as an accessible point of entry into complex ideas. Antarctica, the only uninhabited continent, belongs to no single country and has no government. Drawing on the continent s rich history of inspiring exploration and artistic endeavors, Paul D. Miller, a.k.a. DJ Spooky, has put together his own multimedia, multidisciplinary study of Antactica. Book of Ice is one aspect of this ongoing project. In light of climate change and tireless human efforts to be present everywhere on the planet, Miller uses Antarctica as a point on entry for contemplating humanity s relationship with the natural world. Using photographs and film stills from his journey to the bottom of the world, along with original artwork and appropriated archival materials, Miller ponders how Antarctica could liberate itself from the rest of the world. Part fictional manifesto, part history, and part science book, Book of Ice furthers Miller s reputation as an innovative artist capable of making the old look new.


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