500 Essential Anime Movies

500 Essential Anime Movies

500 Essential Anime Movies

The Ultimate Guide

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    Helen McCarthy


    Paperback with flaps

    500 Essential


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Anime  Japanese animation  is hugely popular throughout the world. TV stations screen it dubbed into languages from Arabic to Russian, Catalan to Chinese. Diehard fans, or otaku, download it from the internet. New titles appear every week. But before you drown in the tidal wave of new releases, look inside this book. Here you ll find expert reviews of all the most significant standalone titles the core of any English-speaking fan s anime library. 500 Essential Anime Movies reveals the huge range of titles available in English, making them accessible to everyone from newcomers to experts. Divided into chapters by genre, so you can easily find the kind of story you like, and with advisory icons to warn you of sexual or violent content, the book also has details of directors, writers, designers and English-language release labels. Reviews from a leading anime expert are sure to provoke debate, as well as helping you find the anime you want, quickly and easily.


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